North Seattle e-Learning: Virtual College
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Getting Started with e-Learning Classes:

Step 1: Register for Class

Find out if e-Learning is right for you.  Learn more about classes, advising, financial aid, tuition, and registration. Take a quiz to determine your abilities in an e-Learning environment.  

Attention Students Currently Residing Out-Of-State and Enrolling in Online Classes at NSC

At present, the College does not accept applications for registration in online courses for students currently residing in Alabama, Arkansas, Maryland,  Massachusetts, Minnesota, Kansas and Utah because the College is not authorized to conduct business in those states. Students who enroll in online courses while residing in those states may be un-enrolled and refunded their tuition. In compliance with federal requirements, North Seattle Community College is also providing information on state agency contacts for complaint resolution.

Step 2:  Prepare for class

Get introduced to e-Learning specifics.  Find out about North e-Learning Management Software, Canvas, textbooks, videos, online discussion room etiquette, and helpful resources to orient you and assist you during your class.

Step 3: How to begin your class

Learn how and where to access your class once the quarter has begun.

Step 4: Registered Students for Current Quarter

The link above will take you to the Registered Students page where you can locate your class web site,  other important information and your instructor's email address.  It is recommended that you email your instructor to introduce yourself and use the information provided to access your course. 

NeLSC (North's e-Learning Support Center) will help you to succeed! 

Distance Learning is not for everyone. The classes are not easier than traditional on campus classes. Often they require additional self-motivation and discipline. However, we will provide you with guidance through the e-Learning aspects of your experience. For technical help, contact NeLSC Office by email at [email protected] or call us by phone at (206) 934-3738. 

(NeLSC office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM: messages or email left after hours will be answered the next business day)
Check out e-Learning news feed site.

NSCC Star logo image  e-Learning @ North Seattle College | e-Learning News Feed
  For more information email NeLSC: [email protected] Phone: 206 934.3738  
 On Campus: LB 2237   2014-2015 Virtual College Disclaimer