Use the following self assessment "test" to help you determine if you are ready to take an online or videocassette course through North Seattle Community College. This assessment covers both technical as well as learning style considerations. You may want to print this page so you can spend more time considering both the questions and your answers. This is strictly a self assessment tool, so give yourself honest answers.
(This self assessment test is adapted from one created by Edmonds Community College)
Links to other self assessments:
If you hesitated to answer YES to the Learning Style Considerations, you may find the e-Learning environment, whether online or media-based, more challenging. Most of our online courses make use of a classroom discussion room which allows interaction between students and instructors as well as among students. However, online based interaction can be less satisfying than face-to-face communication for some learners. The online classroom requires you to structure your own schedule, balancing your time around the assignments/requirements of the class. Without the need to show up in a particular place at a designated time each week, some learners find it all too easy to put homework off until the last minute. Much of the material covered in a typical online class will require you to learn from reading. This may include textbooks, Internet-based materials, media technology such as Camtasia video's, Powerpoints or Podcasts as well as written "lectures" or notes from your instructor. It is also important to understand that your instructor may utilize other web technologies such as a blog or wiki so being familiar with these technologies may be helpful.
All of the technical considerations mentioned are used in our online courses. If you have some technology to learn, you should make extra time in your schedule accordingly. There are excellent tutorials on the web to get you started and the staff at NeLSC will also be able to assist you with an orientation to e-Learning. Please contact the office for an appointment or drop by our office during business hours - Monday - Friday from 8:30AM to 5:00PM.
Please go to the following site for information about your learning style. This will help you in determining your learning style and how you can adapt it to your online courses.
This self assessment has been created to help you decide if
online learning is for you. It can serve as an indicator but not as
a definitive answer. If you have any questions about taking a course
online, please contact us. We are here to assist you!
North Seattle e-Learning courses require a student to be self motivated and
generally it requires three hours of study and work weekly per
credit to complete the course successfully (this would mean 15 hours
per week for a 5 credit course which may include online discussion,
readings as well as time spent doing assignments). This time frame is only
an estimate and a student may take more or less time per class
depending on knowledge or interest.
Your academic advisor can help you decide whether e-Learning is a
good option for your personal situation. Feel free to discuss this
option when you plan your quarterly schedule and register. Advisors
can be reached at (206) 934-3658 or by emailing
[email protected].
The e-Learning office can be reached by phone (206) 934-3738
-- or visit us in our office, LB2237 (one door south of the
library). Our email address is: [email protected].
Emails or messages sent after 5PM will be answered the next business day.