How do e-Learning classes work
The content, structure, coursework expectations, and style depend
on the individual instructor -- just as for regular courses.
However, our online courses share some basic design, navigation,
communication and interactive features.
Look at an e-Learning course and e-Learning courseware.
We have provided features from two of our e-Learning classes as
examples of the online educational environment. Please explore these
features as suggested below. If you have difficulties or specific
questions, please
[email protected]
- Click on the sample courses below.
- Visit the different aspects of the sample online classes
such as the syllabus, assignments, communication tools,
resources, and biography pages. Every course is unique. These
online courses differ in the details of design and functionality
but these classes contain the basic features of our online
learning process.
- Notice the types of work required, typical deadlines and
interactive elements. You will not be able to completely access
certain areas (discussion rooms, email box, etc.) which are
reserved for registered students. But you will get the "flavor"
of online learning by exploring these sample e-Learning courses.
Have fun!
Please select one or more of the samples classes below to see
what e-Learning courses are like.
Click link for more information about accessing your
computer skills.
New to e-Learning?
test your skills and abilities.
Click link for a brief survey to test your computer abilities.