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Orientation for Online Students:

What skills will be needed to be successful in an e-Learning course?

The North Seattle e-Learning Office (NeLSC) can provide students lacking the needed computer skills with a "head-start" by introducing them to online learning through both this web site and through an optional on-campus orientation session.  This session will help familiarize students with the types of courseware utilized by instructors as well as other resources that are available to students on campus and on the web.  NeLSC business hours are Monday - Friday 8:30AM to 5:00PM.  Please call or email the e-Learning office at the numbers listed below to schedule this optional orientation if you are new to e-Learning.   North Seattle e-Learning requires some basic computer skills such as the ability to send email and attach documents, to navigate web sites and to understand the basics of your computer settings.  For more click here for more information about these needed skills.

Experience an e-Learning course.

On this web site, we offer a look at some current e-Learning classes that allow you to experience some of the features you will use in the "virtual classroom." These sample classes will give you a feel of what the e-Learning experience is like. Email any questions or comments you may have to us! 

Is there an orientation meeting specifically for my e-Learning course?

Your class may also have its own orientation specific to your course and this is given by your instructor. These sessions may be on campus as well in video format streamed over the internet. If your class has an on campus orientation, you will find it linked on the Registered Students page for the current quarter.  The page will list any and all meetings for your course including any proctored exams labs or instructional meetings. If there is an online orientation there will be a link to this on the same Registered Students page linked above.  These orientations are conducted by your instructor and they are highly recommended. The orientation will give you important information about how to access your online class, password information, and other information relative to your class. You may even receive instructional materials during this orientation. It is always a good idea to email your instructor if you are unable to attend the session.

To schedule an appointment for an Orientation to e-Learning please contact us by phone at (206) 527-3738 or by email at [email protected].

(Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM: messages left after hours will be answered the next business day) 

Please see the links below for orientations for Potential and Registered Students.

Potential Students please read our online orientation

Registered Students please read our online orientation

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  For more information email Distance Learning  Phone: 206 527.3738  
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