North Seattle e-Learning: Virtual College
Virtual College Home>Student Information and Help Desk> Computer Resources for new e-Learners

New to e-Learning?  Need some help to improve your computer skills? Use the resources below to get the support you need.

Promoting digital opportunities for all:

Search for a Community Technical Center near you – site is maintained by and has a diverse selection of locations in the Seattle area that has technical resources and people to help you get familiar with using computers. This link has a search feature that will allow you to find a location that will work for you.

The following is the direct link to the list of locations at the site.

Another off-site training source

Community Organizations: Provide equipment and training in computer skills as well as job search opportunities at little or no cost.

  • Goodwill Job Training Centers: They offer walk-in workshops through their Job Training and Education Program. For more information call 860-5791.
  • King County Library System:
    They offer classes, manuals, and videos for many of these programs to help you learn and master these new high-tech tools. They also offer free training sessions for specific computer programs. If you would like this additional assistance, please register for a class. Call to make an appointment to use a computer or to register for a class.

    Auburn Library
    1102 Auburn Way South 253-931-3018

    Des Moines Library
    21620 11th Avenue S. 206-824-6066

    Federal Way 320th Library
    848 S. 320th St. 253-839-0257

    Redmond Regional Library
    15990 N.E. 85th 425-885-1861
  • site also has a page that highlights grants given to various agencies and community service organizations. Links are provided to sites that have received grants and have programs to help individuals. You can browse the sites and select a location that will work for you.
  • Seattle Housing Authority and its partners operate five computer technology centers located in communities throughout the city. They offer classes in basic computer skills as well as other computer software.  The link will give you the location and phone numbers of their five technology centers.
  • Seattle Public Library:
    Basic workshops at Central, Broadview, New Holly and possibly some other libraries. Their instructional services line: 386-4696.
  • Work Source: located on the North Seattle campus in the new Opportunity Center for Employment and Education  "OCE&E" .  It is located on the south east corner of campus (east of the College Center). They have basic computer classes in addition to resume building and job-search workshops. You can get a printout of their calendar by going to their office here on campus. For a list of training services and resources
  •  YWCA Career Development Centers: To contact the Downtown location Phone: 206.436.8600  Location in Seattle, 2024 3rd Avenue Seattle, WA 98121

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