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NSC Canvas Learning Platform Support

Canvas Learning Platform Systems is a Web-based course management system and collaboration portal that enables educators to manage course materials and to communicate with students.
can function both as a complement to traditional courses and as a site for e-Learning.

Please Note: We have found that some mobile Android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy may not have the minimum requirements to run Canvas.  If you would like to use a mobile device to access your e-Learning course please confirm with the manufacturer that it has the capability to run the software.  Canvas has more information about the use of mobile devices.

What Canvas Learning does to support your e-Learning experience.

With Canvas, you can take surveys, quizzes, and tests; send and receive course mail; post messages to threaded discussions and chat rooms; upload your assignments using online drop boxes that are protected from viewing by unauthorized viewers.  You can check your progress and grades at any time during a course. Your instructor can also create groups and teams for project or committee work. These features help make your online experience comparable  to on campus instruction.  By logging into your Canvas account you will have access to course materials such as the syllabus and course materials.   

New to Canvas?  Find helpful information that will familiarize you with the courseware.

Please Note: there is a  new Canvas User Interface coming Winter Quarter 2016 click for more information.

If you have not yet taken a course that uses Canvas.  If you are unfamiliar with using Canvas there is a helpful student resource page you can access including getting started and tutorials.

Resources for Students: the following links offer more information about North's Canvas

Important information about browsers that successfully work with Canvas:  Canvas is supported best by the Firefox and, Chrome, browsers. (Internet Explorer may be problematic depending on your settings.)  

Please Note:  Your canvas class will be disabled the Thursday after the end of the quarter. At that time you will be able to login to your account but you will lose access to any information that is contained in your course.  If there is any information you wish to retain you will need to download or copy this information before the end of the quarter.  For more information please contact your instructor to confirm the date that your class will be disabled. 


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