North Seattle Virtual College: Hybrid Courses
 Virtual College Home>Hybrid Home Page>Registered Students> Hybrid Registered Students

How to Begin your Hybrid Class

  1. Please fill out the Demographic survey.
  2. Starting your class:
    Attend class on the first day of the quarter. Hybrid Mode requires regular face to face on campus meetings, usually on a weekly basis.  Your instructor is the best resource for class information such as Class Web address, syllabus or assignments.  If your course uses a publisher web site or an LMS other than ANGEL your instructor is the best resource for assistance with access problems. 

    NeLSC staff can provide support for Canvas LMS.

    For more information about your hybrid class go to the Hybrid Registered Student Page, choose the quarter you will attend, and find your class on the list.   Please see the North Seattle Quarterly Class Schedule, Online or the printed schedule for dates and times of attendance for your class. Hybrid classes generally meet 2 to 3 times a week on campus and the rest of the work is done online during the week.
  3. Please note: for Students registering after the beginning of the quarter due to the various types of software associated with online instruction and their registration requirements, you must require a time allowance of 4 or more hours before gaining access to your Virtual Classroom. 
  4. If you are on Financial Aid you must supply the Financial Aid Office with evidence of your attendance. You can do this by having your instructor sign your financial aid form  confirming that you are attending class. You must then deliver this to the Financial Aid office on the second floor of the CC building.    
  5. The NeLSC staff in the e-Learning office is also available to help you:
    • Contact NeLSC office by email: [email protected]
    • Phone us at 206.934.3738 (Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30AM to 5:00PM messages or emails sent after this time will be answered the next business day.  If a question is sent after 5:00PM on Friday you will receive a response on the following Monday)
    • Our offices are on campus, one door south of the Library main entrance. LB 2237
    • You can also fax us at 206.985.3984
  6. That's it! You are ready for class.